Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nov. 22, 1963

For those of you old enough, I'll ask the well worn question. Do you remember where you were on November 22, 1963?
Sure we all do.
C.S Lewis, an Irish born novelist, literary critic, essayist, and Christian apologist died that day. Lewis is known for writings such as "The Screw Tape Letters," "The Space Trilogy", and others. Lewis was an atheist in this early adulthood. He gravitated toward Christianity over the years. Lewis came to believe that the atheist philosophy couldn't answer his troubling questions about the universe, and all it encompassed.

That same day another man died. He was Aldous L Houxley, also an English writer known for works like "Brave New World", and "Oxford Poetry." Huxley started out just as confused as Lewis. Huxley took another route which led him into parapsychology, and mysticism. Psychedelic drugs were part of his journey.

And yes John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.


John Bobo said...

Yes, I remember that day well. Even the time and what I was doing when I heard of the shooting of President Kennedy. However, I did not realize that C.S. Lewis died on that day. Another tidbit of information about Lewis. The man responsible for leading C.S. Lewis to Christ was J.R.R. Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings. This occured in 1931.

Roger Howell said...

High Five

Carol said...

Roger...I am a friend of Lori's, she thought I'd like your blog, I do! Life is so amazing, my husband and I have been studying "art" dvds in our free time and one of the most wonderful stories, involves a Renaissance Italian masterpiece and Aldous Huxley. I had never heard of Huxley before, but a small travel guide he wrote actually saved a beautiful fresco, "The Resurrection" by Piero della Francesca. The Italian town had been captured by the German's and the British were liberating it in WWII. A British soldier, Tony Clark remembered what Huxley has written about "the greatest picture in the world" being in Sansepolcro,Italy and stopped the bombing of the town. God can use the most unexpected people at times. Check the story out: Amazing considering the turn Huxley's life took!

Roger Howell said...

If your Lori's friend, you're my friend. It's always good to learn new things from those around us.

"Iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another" Prov. 27-17