Monday, November 23, 2009

Conservatives Must Make A Fuss

Americans distracted by making money and seeking personal comforts and pleasures:

"If at that critical moment some able and ambitious man grasps the supreme power, he will find the road to every kind of usurpation open before him."

(That Leader) "Above all, he must ensure public tranquillity: men who are possessed by the passion for physical gratification generally find out that the turmoil of freedom disturbs their welfare" "The fear of anarchy perpetually haunts them, and they are always ready to fling away their freedom at the first disturbance." "I cannot forget that all nations have been enslaved by being kept in good order."
"A nation that asks nothing of its government but the maintenance of order is already a slave at heart, the slave of its own well-being, awaiting only the hand that will bind it."
Alexis De Tocqueville 1840

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