Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Coke anyone

It seems that during the reign of King James I there was a lot of yapping between the Crown and Parliament as to which power would be ultimate law.
Enter Chief Justice Coke, head of the Common Lawyers. (wonder if he is related to cousin Neal)
Chief says, "Yo James, and you Par Fives, I've got a great idea!"
Let's have a third power in this circus making three rings.
I say, let the Judges decide what is law.
This quickly raised the ire of both sides.
Parliament burned his car and the King took his Ipod.
He was banned from Starbucks.

This snort of Coke wasn't wasted. Some good ole boys were watching from afar colonies in America. They whipped out their turkey quills and wrote up The Articles of Confederation but got a "D" on their paper. On the next try they came up with a new and improved document stating that power would be divided between Legislative, Executive, and not least of all Judicial.
It actually worked pretty well for one hundred and fifty years

1 comment:

Lori said...

it was a good idea