Sunday, October 31, 2010

Majority Rules

More and more I hear people who should know better, use the term Democracy to describe our government. Perhaps they do know better.

Our founding fathers understood that man is terribly flawed. He will misuse a democracy. His envy, jealousy, greed, and hate for those different from himself will always lead to unfortunate situations.

John Adams once said, "Democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavor to pull down all, and when by chance it happens to get the upper hand for a short time, it will be revengeful, bloody and cruel."

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sad, but true. We have a representative government. And each representative is flawed. We are supposed to have a balance among the branches, but we are getting off balance. We assume that voting people understand history and how government works, but we don't. We fall for what's cool and trendy or what our college professors told us, instead of what's true and proven over and over throughout history. People are deceived. Many think they (we) are doing what is right, because on the surface it seems right. But often these issues are very complex and we need to be devoted students of history and Truth.