Monday, April 5, 2010

Monroe Doctrine - Not A Medical Term

Around the time of WWI, the U.S. was concerned about Huerta the dictator of Mexico. It seems that Germany had proposed to Britain that they jointly put down the dictator. As in most invasions the Europeans would have set up military garrisons in Mexico and Central America and would have eventually colonized. This would have destroyed the Monroe Doctrine. In 1912, it wouldn't have gone over well in the U.S.
We all know about and many of us witnessed the Cuban Crisis in the early 1960's.

This last week our leaders paid little attention when Vladimir Putin visited Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. It appears he may sell the strong man $5 Billion in arms.
The West doesn't have to be taken by force. We'll give it away.
In the last few months we've grown fond of dictators.

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