Sunday, September 20, 2009

Virginia City Montana

Some good ole boys from the South, sank a pick in Alder Creek near Bannock in the Idaho/Montana Territory striking gold. They went to Bannock to gather more supplies to return. It's difficult to keep such a big secret. Many people followed them to the area. The boys established a town one mile from the gold fields and decided to call it "Varina" for the First Lady of the Confederacy, Varina Howell-Davis, wife of Jeff Davis. When they went to register the town a Connecticut Yankee Judge wouldn't have it. He changed the name to Virginia City.
My guess is this Judge would have been for Govt. health care and Govt. wagon companies.


Lori said...

hahahahaha...did y'all go to Virginia City?

Roger Howell said...

I was there a few years ago.
The forts along the Platte and on the Bozeman trail made me do some research. 3-7-77