Friday, June 12, 2009

Fix Me Two Over Easy

Nest of the House Finch in the hanging fern outside our window

No they weren't in this weathered Blue Bird house
They hatched a couple of days ago. As some of you know, birds that are hatched in nests off the ground are termed as altricial from the Latin - alere meaning to nurse.
They are blind, naked and helpless
Birds hatched in ground nest are called precocial. Generally speaking, their eyes are open, they are fully down covered and able to run within hours and look for food. The term is from the Latin praecox - meaning early ripening. Is creation cool or what----I mean, can you believe two rocks collided and caused this?

1 comment:

John Bobo said...

Great photos, and thanks for the lesson. God must have used some kind of rocks for all of the things of this earth to happen.