Thursday, February 11, 2010

That Empty Place

I remain convinced that countless people are searching for some meaning to their lives.
That belief was underscored today when I heard a reporter on Stephen King.

It seems that during an interview, it was mentioned to King, something like, " You have achieved pretty much everything you ever pursued. What would you want that you don't have."

To the interviewer's surprise King said, and I paraphrase, "I would like to delve into the possibility that Christ actually rose from the dead. If that's so, then he would be on a level above everything.
I found it interesting that here is a man that millions would trade places with. Though it wasn't said, King gave the world a peek into his inner thoughts. "Something is missing inside me and I can't find that thing to fill the void."

To put it in good ole boy terms Mr. King, "If you look fur it, you will find it" You won't find it in a dark corner but in the brightest light.


John Bobo said...

I agree with your solution, however I find it ironic that most of what Mr. King wirtes about is very dark. Maybe if he changed his subject matter, his eyes might be opened.

Roger Howell said...

It's interesting that you used the word dark.

Lori said...

The conversion of Stephen King would open the eyes of many. God work sin mysterious ways.

John Bobo said...

Roger, do you think that King's writings are enlighting. I have always thought he was a writer of "dark topics and subjects". Maybe I am not giving Stephen King enough credit.

Lori your comment is very good. God can and does use evil to work in His ways. See my blog about Tiger Wood.