Friday, September 25, 2009

Shoes on a cow

I had a professer who used to say 'I didn't know that man from Adam's Off Ox." Ole Adam lived long ago of course and maybe he had a yoke of oxen. When walking with a pair of oxen, the one nearest you is naturally called the Near Ox and the one on the other side is called the Off Ox. I doubt if anyone could tell you that steer's name.
But if you need to have your oxen shod here is the place, down town Virginia City Montana.
This fellow appears to be a blacksmith, wainwright (wagon maker), wheelwright and farrier.


John Bobo said...

Is this a real business? The store looks like a studio set, with the braces holding up the store fronts.

Roger Howell said...

No it's old Virginia City, but wagon shop is long empty.